Rees T. Bowen, P.C.  

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                                           ACCOUNTING ASSISTANCE              

Although we do not provide auditing services, due to our training and experience, we are well qualified to provide accounting advice and assistance.  This service involves inquiries regarding accounting and tax issues dealing with overall or specific questions/problems.  We do not provide day-to-day bookkeeping services; however, we can recommend providers of bookkeeping services, as we work with several.  Our advice in the Accounting Assistance arena normally goes hand-in-hand with tax compliance services.

Key Benefits

  • Confidentially provided through attorney-client relationship.

  • "All-Inclusive" advice regarding both tax and accounting inquiries.


The Firm has assisted many of its clients in this arena, typically along with its Tax Compliance service.  Our founder, Rees T. Bowen, has taught Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis in an MBA program and has been called on to render expert testimony in this area.

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